M3 Environmental LLC has the experts needed for all your environmental litigation needs in California. We are located in Monterey County California, and typically provide our environmental testing services in the northern and central areas of California. We are, however, well versed in state and federal environmental regulations and can serve as an expert witness anywhere in California. Don’t take chances with the inexperienced when working dealing with a court case. Call our expert witnesses.
We Defend Facts Not Sides
M3 Environmental LLC provides expert witness, testimony, reports and opinions for any side of the debate whether you are heading to arbitration or a full-blown court hearing. Our opinions are based on science, fact, and an understanding of current regulations so the court can rely upon our testimony.
Expert Witness For Prosecution & Defense
Whether you have a damage claim and are suing because you feel someone has caused you harm, you are being sued over violating a regulation or causing someone harm, you will need data and expert testimony to back up your case. We can review the data you have collected and then provide expert opinions. We can provide testing, analysis, and reports. Facts are hard to dispute, and we will have the facts you need to support your case.
Your Case Deserves Expert Representation
Lawsuits can be brought against someone for criminal charges or monetary awards when it comes to environmental issues. We provide testing, detection, reporting, and consulting services related to air, noise, and water quality in California. California is a state known for having onerous environmental regulations.
Understanding The Regulations
Understanding those regulations is our business. Some of the specific environmental concerns that may wind up in litigation are asbestos, lead or mold contamination, noise pollution, or water contamination from pesticides, industrial waste, or mineral extraction. We have all the required certifications for testing. We have the experts needed to analyze the data, and to provide reliable reports and opinions on the results. For court cases, we have often been hired to examine testing and data reports provided by others, to dispute information presented by the other side, or to provide additional testing and results as necessary to support the client’s case.
Don’t Be Surprised In Court
The last thing anyone wants in court is a surprise. As your case moves forward, you want all of the information you can have on your side, and you need an expert witness ready to provide you with an opinion for any information provided by the other side. This comes with years of experience, which is what M3 Environmental LLC offers. Don’t be surprised in court; call us to handle all your arbitration and litigation needs.