To keep yourself, your employees, and your customers safe, M3 Environmental offers surface sampling for COVID-19 in and around Monterey, California. Restrictions are lifting, and people are getting out, but as we open businesses and prepare to see more of each other, why not make sure your current disinfecting procedures are actually working to protect people?
Airborne Transmission Of COVID-19
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about “droplets.” When people are infected with coronavirus, coughing or sneezing can release infectious particles into the air. This is why we are staying six feet apart, wearing face masks, and generally staying away from each other.
Put Your Cleaning Protocols To The Test
What you may not know is that recent studies are showing this virus may stay viable on surfaces as well, from hours to days, depending on the material of the surface. The CDC recommends frequent and thorough cleaning and disinfecting to combat this. But how do you know your efforts are working? We can help by testing the effectiveness of your sanitation procedures.
Who Should Test For COVID-19?
People who have a higher risk of severe illness or anyone who serves this community may want to consider COVID-19 surface testing. Businesses who are getting ready to re-open or extend surfaces will want to be sure everything is spic and span or to know where to concentrate your coronavirus cleaning.
- Hospitals, Dr’s Offices & Other Healthcare Facilities
- Community, Government & Municipal Buildings
- Service & Hospitality Environments
- Assisted Living Facilities
- Offices & Retail Spaces
- Schools & Child Care Centers
- Churches & Worship Buildings
- Homes
Re-Test For Peace Of Mind
You may also want to re-test once you’ve put new protocols or cleaning procedures into place or to make sure your cleaning service is meeting your standards. We want to help you keep the people who are important to you or your business healthy: your patients, employees, residents, clientele, students, parishioners, and families.
Environmental Testing For COVID-19
Don’t stay in the dark about your coronavirus transmission potential. At M3 Environmental, we can test your frequently touched surfaces for the presence of this contagious virus. This professional environmental test is quick, effective, and CDC-approved so that you can feel confident in your results.
- Our sampling equipment is made specifically for use on multiple types of surfaces.
- We can sample the surfaces people use most like appointment counters, floors, tables, desks, doorknobs, computers, and other heavy-use areas.
- Surface testing for COVID-19 can take as little as a few minutes.
- Samples are expedited to a laboratory using analysis methods specified by the CDC and authorized by the FDA for clinical COVID-19 diagnostics.
Protect Your Home Or Business Today
At M3 Environmental, we’re your California healthy home and business professionals. Schedule your professional COVID-19 surface testing service today.