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The Dangers Of VOCs For Children

The Dangers Of VOCs For Children

Children VOC Dangers & Hazards

If you have a family with small children or a kid-centric business in the Monterey, CA area, consider having M3 Environmental LLC test your space for VOC’s. We perform air quality testing, including VOC testing, for the health and safety of everyone, especially children that frequent all types of locations.

What Are VOCs?

Volatile Organic Compounds, or VOCs, are gas emissions that are typically off-gassed by household products like paint, cleaning products, furniture, and carpet. This off-gassing can significantly impact the indoor air quality inside your home or business.

VOC gas emissions are made up of a wide variety of chemical compounds that can cause health problems.

Common VOC Sources

The potential sources for VOCs might surprise you. The EPA states that indoor air can contain VOC concentrations ten times higher than in the outdoor air. But where does it all come from?

  • Furniture Made From Pressed Wood
  • Children’s Pajamas
  • Plastic Food Storage Containers – Plastic #7, #1 & #3
  • Children’s Toys With Pressed Wood Or Plastics
  • Carpeting & Carpet Adhesive
  • Personal Care Products & Fragrances
  • Laundry Soap & Dryer Sheets
  • Cleaning Sprays
  • Paint

Exposure Symptoms

Children exposed to VOCs at high levels are more likely to develop asthma, allergic rhinitis, and eczema than children who have lower levels of exposure. Chronic, high-level exposure can cause headaches, nausea, respiratory irritation, loss of coordination, and liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage.

Why Children Are So Vulnerable

Children are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of VOCs because they have a faster respiration rate and breathe in more air despite their smaller size. Kid’s internal organs are still developing. They also process pollutants differently than an adult does.

Young children and babies crawl around on carpets and put everything they touch in their mouths is a contributing exposure factor as well.

Protecting Your Family

If you are considering a baby, pre-pregnancy is a great time to have your home’s air quality tested for potentially high levels of VOCs. This gives you the chance to remedy any issues before pregnancy. You can relax knowing that your home is safe for you and your expected little one.

If you already have a baby or a child in the home, it’s not too late to have your home tested. You can start minimizing their VOC exposure. If testing reveals that you have dangerously high levels of VOCs in your home or business, you can find and switch out for low VOC choices that are available for most products.

Safer Public & Commercial Spaces For Kids

Owning or running a commercial space where children and families often find themselves is a big responsibility. Consider having a building inspection that includes air quality testing to make sure your space is free from the dangers of VOCs. Protect the health and safety of those children.

  • Nurseries
  • Family Gathering Spaces
  • Child Care Centers
  • Preschools
  • Elementary Schools
  • Children’s Libraries
  • Children’s Museums
  • Public Play Spaces
  • Churches
  • Etc

Test For VOCs In Monterey

If you are ready to have the air in your Monterey, CA home or business tested for VOCs, at M3 Environmental LLC, we are prepared to help. Our professional air quality testing services are reliable, comprehensive, and precise.

Contact us today to schedule your air quality testing so that you and your family can take a safer breath of fresh air.